World cup paper machine paper cupboard machine development trend

2015-12-14 作者:超级管理员 来源:本站

Disposable paper cupboard machine development overview:

Since China's accession to the WTO, the domestic consumer spending level is getting higher and higher, the concept of consumption more and more close to the international advanced level, especially since the State Economic and Trade Commission issued Order No. 6, one-time foam tableware began to ban in the decree, paper cups with its green gradually Replace disposable plastic cups, has won the favor of consumers.

Disposable paper cups produced by the integrity of the paper cups keep the advantages of paper products, such as moisture, preservation, temperature, visualization, sterilization, anti-corrosion, etc., paper cups have a perfect performance. Compared with disposable plastic cups, paper cups used in paper materials, processing performance, printing performance, health performance, etc. performed better. In addition, due to the wide range of paper materials, easy to form high-volume production, and have some mechanical properties, can be used for composite processing, variety is also varied. The relatively non-reproducible nature of these disposable plastic cups makes the cost of paper cups very low and relatively light, easy to transport and easy to recycle, and is welcomed by more and more manufacturers. Therefore, the paper cup favored by consumers at the same time, more businesses are considered a golden opportunity for a new round of wealth business, many manufacturers have to abandon the original plastic cup equipment, put on a special paper cup paper machine.

The professional performance of the cup machine makes its production cup quite powerful, but can not meet this huge cup of consumer market. According to statistics: In 2006, the consumption of paper cups in China is about 10 billion, and it is estimated that the rate of paper cups will increase by 50% annually in the next few years. Because paper cups are essential disposable consumables for people's daily life, every household must have it all and need it all year round, and the market will never be depleted. The relevant data show that China consumes more than 50 billion disposable cups each year, and with the national consumption level showing an increasing trend, we can easily see that at present, the market share of paper cups is only less than 20% of its The development potential is evident.

Paper cup machine is not a traditional large-scale factory production of patented paper cups, which not only meet the requirements of large factories, and thoughtful enough for small factories to provide tailor-made programs to attract more and more small and medium-sized investors, established around Many flexible small cups production base. Due to the extraordinary characteristics of some paper cup machines, such as high degree of automation, a multi-purpose machine, stepless frequency control, photoelectric detection, automatic fault alarm, automatic counting, human-computer dialogue, so that each paper cup machine can To maximize efficiency and achieve high yield and diversity. Statistics show that the average number of cups produced per ordinary cup paper machine is as high as 45-55, equivalent to one cup per second, which is called "fighter" in the paper cup machine. High-speed paper cup machine can be as high as: 100 per minute!

Affected by the financial crisis, the demand for the paper cup machine industry in 2008 slowed down. In the market paper cup machine industry demand growth has slowed down the status quo, the momentum of capacity expansion has not been better controlled. Overcapacity and redundant construction not only led to an imbalance between production and consumption, but also triggered a series of vicious price competitions in the paper cup machine industry, affecting the profitability of the paper cup machine industry. The status quo of the paper cup machine industry in China has created the conditions for foreign-funded enterprises to enter China. Many international cup-paper machine industry enterprises have already taken a fancy to opportunities of low-cost market expansion in China. With the gradual increase of foreign investment, the reform and reorganization of domestic enterprises in China have rapidly accelerated. At the same time the promulgation and implementation of the new industry system and other policies will impel the paper cup machine industry in China to reshuffle and the merger and reorganization of enterprises will be vigorously developed under the impetus of the policy. Due to the current decline in the effectiveness of the paper cup machine industry, so the paper cup machine industry credit more cautious. It is suggested that banks should strengthen the screening of enterprises in the paper cup machine industry, choose the leading enterprises in the industry, long-term growth enterprises, enterprises with good profitability models, focus on the paper cup machine industry sub-sectors, pay attention to upstream and downstream enterprises in the paper cup machine industry, optimize the customer structure, Industry needs for new product development.

(1) packaging machinery technology is increasing. Some of our existing packaging machinery products are not high-tech, and many foreign advanced technology has been used in packaging machinery.

(2) Packaging machinery market is increasingly monopolized. It is predicted that with the entry of foreign enterprises into China's market, some non-competitive packaging machinery enterprises in China will be acquired, merged or bankrupt by foreign enterprises and some packaging products will be monopolized by several large enterprises.

(3) Packaging machinery parts and components specialized production. The international packaging industry attaches great importance to improving the general ability of packaging machinery and the entire packaging system. Therefore, the production of packaging machinery parts specialization is the inevitable trend of development. Many parts and components are no longer manufactured by the packaging machinery factory, but some common standard parts factories, some special parts are produced by highly specialized manufacturers. Really famous packaging machinery factory will probably be the assembly plant, which is because many of the packaging machinery control components or structural components and common equipment, you can borrow. At present, China's packaging industry, "small and all", "big and all," the pattern of development and professional trends do not meet, should be adjusted as soon as possible this unreasonable structure of the overall business.

(4) towards multi-function and single high-speed polarization. The ultimate goal of packaging machinery is to increase productivity and product diversification. This makes the packaging machinery product specifications toward the polarization direction, that is, multi-function and single high-speed.

Paper cups and paper cups produced by the paper machine bowl is the product of the environmental protection era, in the environmental concern, health concerns, life-oriented trend of the past, as a professional production of green paper cups paper cups more and more investment in entrepreneurship concern.






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